
Mingjia is mentoring master students on their semester projects/master’s thesis at ETH Zurich :woman_student::man_student:

If you’re interested in a thesis opportunity, feel free to get in touch! The projects are multidisciplinary and could cover topics in the following areas:

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Transport Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering

The thesis opportunities on SiROP:
Strategic Interactions of Future Mobility Systems
Design a Storytelling Map for Transport Network Design

On-going Projects:

Yannik Werner (Master’s Thesis)
Title: A VCG-based Framework for Multi-Regional Network Design Problem
Keywords: Vickery-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism, Hierarchical multi-agent system, Investment allocation.

Jan Ghadamian (Master’s Thesis)
Co-supervisor: Zhiyu He
Title: Hierarchical Decision-making in Layered Urban Mobility Systems
Keywords: Multi-leader multi-follower stackelberg game, Model-free optimization.

Yunpeng Ye (Semester Project)
Title: Enhacing Transportation Network Robustness via Bi-objective Optimization
Keywords: Graph theory, Network robustness, Optimization.

Previous Projects:

Léonard Chanfreau (Semester Project)
Title: Data-enabled Predictive Control for Vehicle Assignment and Rebalancing Problem
Keywords: Data-driven MPC, Mobility-on-Demand.

Yunus Yazoglu (Bachelor’s Thesis)
Title: On the Value of Information Sharing in Future Autonomous Mobility-On-Demand Systems
Keywords: Information Sharing, Vehicle rebalancing, Multi-agent environment.

Colin Jüni (Semester Project)
Title: Exploring the Complementary Role of Urban Air Mobility in Intercity Travel
Keywords: Model predictive control, Urban air mobility, Transportation disruption.

Timothée Joguet (Semester Project)
Co-supervisor: Marc Albert
Title: Cooperative Strategies for Railway Systems in Multiple Regions
Keywords: Game theory, Network design problem.

Giancarlo Cuccorese (Semester Project)
Co-supervisor: Marc Albert, Gioele Zardini
Title: Optimization for Autonomy-enabling Infrastructure in Future Mobility System
Keywords: Network flow optimization, Autonomy-enabling infrastrcutre allocation.